Today someone else decided to stand in the gap with me in this cancer battle. His name is Jeremy Keck. He said that he was praying for me, but he didn't think that was enough. He said he wanted to do his very best in coming along side me and my family, and thought the best way to bring attention to this battle was to shave his head. "Its very much two fold for me. On the first hand, its a constant reminder to myself to pray and believe in your total and complete healing. Secondly, its an extremely visible, drastic change in my appearance that will spark the instant question of “Why?” with everyone I come in contact with. I will now be able to share your story and again pray for your complete and total healing."
Wow! talk about a teammate in battle standing in the gap - I am humbled and honored beyond words. Thank you Jeremy, it's great to know that family and friends are beside me as we seek the Lord in this battle. You are exemplifying the Apostle Paul’s direction to us in Galatians 6:2 and James 5:16.
Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
James 5:16 “…pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
We: Molly, Emily, Giles and I are standing STRONG in faith for your healing. I trust in God for HIS will for you. Many Prayers are coming from our family.